Where do you come up with your most creative ideas?

Olivia Jeffries - writing desk at home

Where is your make place, your studio, your creative space? Where is the place you come up with your most creative ideas? Do you have an armchair, a field, kitchen table, coffee table, time in your head, toes in the sand, both eyes closed, are you horizontal or vertical?

I’m fortunate to have my own studio space, a large unit in an industrial building. Amongst the labyrinthine corridors you will find many small creative businesses - all sorts of artists, designers and makers. My studio space is a jumbly place with a grey painted concrete floor which is deathly cold in the winter and an absolute joy to get my bare feet on in the dense heat of the summer. Dust bunnies roll and waft across the floor and mix with the paper snippets.

Something you may find unusual is that I very rarely work sitting down. Most of my workbenches are at worktop height and I find a different kind of energy on my feet. I think because my practice encompasses different elements and work areas so it’s essential for me to be able to flit between these as ideas come up.

Home only has room for a small desk and it’s here I like to sit and write like I am this morning, next to a large window overlooking a park with lots of trees and wildlife activity. There is the distant rumble of traffic and the volume is up on the morning birds, song thrush and pigeon both belting out their sounds. I found myself yesterday sat here waiting for the words, the inspiration, THAT THING to appear. Then I remembered that you can’t always sit in front of a screen trying to squeeze the living daylights out of your creative self and went off to do the hoovering. That’s when the words and ideas started bubbling up. A few short pauses in between hoovering rooms and I’d got to the words and ideas and places I wanted to get to.

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